Monday, January 25, 2010

Choose to eat plants!!

Rule #1 only MAKES you eat 3 servings of fruits/veggies per day (at breakfast, lunch, and dinner). How can you add more? Here are some suggestions:

Plan to eat two servings of veggies at lunch or dinner.

Eat fruity carb instead of a starchy carb for your snack.

Make a fruity smoothie with a handful of spinach and some protein powder for a snack.

Choose 100% fruit juice instead of that diet soda at the gas station or restaurant.

When you feel like you can't make it to the next meal, eat 5 baby carrots or a stalk of celery, or 1/2 a sliced bell pepper.

If you have a juicer, use it to make interesting juicy concoctions to drink instead of water.

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