Monday, January 18, 2010

What is a Carb?

Carbohydrates are the foods that give us energy. Good carbs give us energy that lasts. Bad carbs give us a spike of energy and then we feel all blue and tired. Foods high in carbohydrates include breads, pastas, beans, potatoes, bran, rice, and cereals. Most such foods are high in starch, so some diets will call them a "starch."

The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get between 45-65% of dietary energy from carbohydrates. The Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization jointly recommend that national dietary guidelines set a goal of 55-75% of total energy from carbohydrates, but only 10% directly from sugars.

So, we need carbs, lots of carbs, but we don't want to eat carbs that have been processed in such a way as to remove the natural healthy qualities that they possess. We should eat "whole" carbs, aka "good" carbs, meaning carbs that still retain all the nutrients the Lord intended them to have.

Whole grains are cereal grains that contain bran, germ, and endosperm (the whole grain). Refined or processed grains are processed to remove the bran and the germ and only leave us endosperm. You KNOW oat bran, wheat bran and wheat germ are super healthy, right? So why is America living on products made from flour that is stripped of these healthy nutrients? Boggles my mind, I tell ya! Buy bread whose first ingredient is whole wheat flour, not unbleached wheat flour. Most flour in bread is made from wheat, but very little of it is actually made from WHOLE wheat. Buy cereal whose first ingredient is a whole grain.

The same thing happens with rice, by the way. Brown rice is processed to remove the husk but the bran and germ are in tact. White rice is processed futher to remove the germ and the bran. Unless the rice says "brown," it is white. Jasmine rice, arborio rice, all the fancy rices that you can get are stripped of vital nutrients and fiber. What a waste.

Doesn't it make you wonder why white rice and white flour are cheaper than their whole grain counterparts? Wouldn't you think it would be cheaper to process them LESS?? A conundrum. Really.

If you choose a potato as your carb, eat the whole potato, even the skin. Other vegetables are also high in carbohydrates, like carrots, corn, and peas. Fruits are also carbs. Eat them whole. An orange is better than orange juice, for instance.

Since only 10% of our carbs should come from sugar, we need to watch our sugar intake, particularly processed sugars (white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup). Even healthy sugars that are unrefined and come to us in their natural states, like honey, real maple syrup, agave nectar, deydrated cane juice (rapadura, sucanat) should be used in moderation.

So...... If you are already following diet rule #1 and #2, diet rule #3 is your next step. I think it would be smart to get in the habit of following 1 and 2 for a week before adding #3. This is about long-term habit building, not instant gratification. If you are in a hurry, though, take the plunge. Rule #3 is the BEST rule. It will get rid of your belly flab and make you feel happier and healthier. Promise.

No "bad" carbs/ processed carbs. Here's the list: processed sugar (white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup) or any food containing these sugars, white flours (flours with the germ and bran removed this includes bleached and unbleached wheat flour), white rice. Replace these items with natural sweeteners in moderation, whole grain flours, brown rice, and quinoa.

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